Dear community,
I'm currently facing a nasty issue during one of the steps of the Managed System Configuration in Solution Manager.
In the Managed System Configuration I'm trying to add a java only (7.31) system, but the step "Introscope Host Adapter" in phase "Configure Automatically" keeps failing with below error.
On instance : <java host>/J20
Wilyhost Agent configuration finished without errors, but on Enterprise Manager (<Wily host>:6001) no Wilyhost Agent was detected from host <java host>. Please check the log file jvm_smdagent.out whether the Wilyhost Agent could connect to the Enterprise Manager. If the Enterprise Manager configuration has been changed recently please restart the SMD Agent on OS level.
jvm_smdagent.out doesn't show a single warning or error, only INFO and everything looks good!
When I check Wily Enterprise Manager, I see the metrics for all components working properly.
I'm running Solution Manager 7.1 SP8 with LM-SERVICE
Wily Enterprise Manager, SAP management modules have been installed, bytecode agent also
When I check the system settings, all looks good.. The predecessor steps in the managed system configuration all finished with a green status.
Who can help me solving this issue that is giving me a terrible headache! :-)
Kind regards,