Dear all,
I am working on SAP Solution Manager 7.1 and i have the following customizing to define status authorizations for Z Service Requests.
When an user tries to change status from Customer Action (30), its possible to set the following available status:
- - 15 WTDR Withdrawn
- - 20 PROC In Process
- - 22 PDTA Pending Authorization
- - 23 SCAC Scheduled Action
- - 24 PDTE Pending External
- - 25 DSPT Forwarded
- - 30 CACT Customer Action
- - 50 SPRV Proposed Solution
However, if previously it has been assigned the status “Proposed Solution“to this message, there wouldnt be available to set status “Withdrawn” from status initial “Customer Action”
Is there any customizing point to restrict certains status (withdrawn) once the service request has been assigned previously to a determinated status (Proposed Solution)
Thanks in advance!