I'm trying to do an update of my SolMan to SPS07 using SUM.
Now I stuck in phase 5.6 (Execution) at the step MAIN_NEWBAS/SUCCCHK_PROD. I get the message "Checks after phase MAIN_NEWBAS/SUCCCHK_PROD were negative!"
If I check the logs I see there's an error but no error-message:
rksapv02:csmadm 94> more /var/sap/CSM/BTD/SP07/SUM/abap/log/SAPup_troubleticket.log
This trouble ticket was created by SAPup on 20130214133343
SAPup broke during phase SUCCCHK_PROD in module MAIN_NEWBAS / Downtime II: Conversion, Main Import, XPRAs
Error Message:
Summary of SAPup:
SAPehpi Release: lmt_007
SAPehpi Version: SAPup release lmt_007 version 47.000
Start Release: 702
Target Release: 702
Summary of host system details:
Host: rksapv02
MS Host: rksapv02
GW Host: rksapv02
Start Path: /usr/sap/CSM/DVEBMGS72/exe
Kernel Path: /usr/sap/CSM/DVEBMGS72/exe
Summary of operating system details:
OS Type: Linux X86_64
OS Version: 2.11.3
Summary of database details:
Database Type: ora
Database Version:
Summary of RFC details:
Host: rksapv02
GW Host: rksapv02
Client: 000
Destination: CSM
Language: E
System No.: 72
Unfortunately I can't find further Information in the log or somewhere else. There are just some hints about 4 errors in phase XPRASUPG but I can't find any detailed logs about this. (./SAPup.log:# Error message set: 'Detected 4 errors summarized in 'XPRASUPG.ELG'')
Any hints where I could further find some information about what to do ?
Thanks and best regards,